Keep An Uncontested Divorce Simple With Your Future Secure
Some couples prefer to end their marriage amicably and efficiently. Will your divorce be uncontested? Can it really be kept simple, as you prefer?
You and your spouse may agree on the terms of your divorce. As client-centered family law advocates, we understand that divorce is a very personal decision. With a trusting attorney-client relationship for support, you can be reassured that your desire to avoid complications and unnecessary legal expenses will be honored at Bandoske & Butler, PLLC.
Our lawyers will not urge you to pick battles unnecessarily. At the same time, we know how important it is for you to know your rights and protect your interests during this life transition.
We Stand For Our Clients’ Wishes And Best Interests
Many of our clients seeking uncontested divorces are in their 20s and 30s without complex asset portfolios. Others who are older are in their second or third marriages. Some got married rather quickly through the alluring ease of online dating but have realized their marriages will not last. With no kids and separate accounts, they know what they need and want.
Whatever the circumstances, we know from experience that our clients of all ages and stages of life benefit from customized counsel and support that would not be available in a do-it-yourself (DIY) or purely pro se divorce.
Let’s talk if an uncontested, straightforward divorce – whether you share children with your spouse or are without kids between you – sounds like what you and your spouse are looking for. At Bandoske & Butler, PLLC, we will surely respect your desire for simple, amicable legal processes. With our personalized legal counsel, you will have access to individualized guidance as well as advice centered on your future well-being.
Answers To Some Basic Questions About Uncontested Divorces In Texas
How Long Does A Divorce Take?
Some couples are eager to get a divorce completed as expeditiously as possible. In Texas, there is normally a mandatory 60-day waiting period for a divorce to be finalized. With an uncontested divorce, many couples can look forward to being divorced by the 61st day. If there has been domestic violence, this timeline may be even shorter.
What Does It Cost?
Bandoske & Butler, PLLC, offers simple, uncontested divorce starting at $1,500. Unlike the case of a DIY divorce, you will not have to fill out your own forms or worry about making mistakes. Instead, you will provide intake information to the firm and our attorneys will complete the paperwork for you.
What Are The Advantages Of A Simple, Uncontested Divorce?
For many people, a simple, uncontested divorce brings less stress and is easier on children in the family, as compared to traditional litigation. This type of divorce may provide a number of other benefits that will be unique to your situation.
Discuss Your Divorce Options And Expectations With An Experienced Lawyer
In an initial consultation, we will gather and share the information that you will need to keep your divorce as simple as it can be.
Schedule a conversation in person at our San Antonio law offices or by video conference. Call 210-953-8415 or send an email inquiry for a prompt response.