A Brighter Future For Your Family

When Attorney Representation Beats DIY Divorce

A do-it-yourself divorce may seem attractive if you and your spouse agree on how to divide assets and care for your children collaboratively (or you may have no children). So why hire an attorney to represent you?

At Bandoske & Butler, PLLC, we have seen too many people who have made irreversible, costly mistakes because they tried to take shortcuts in their divorce processes.

DIY Divorce And Attorney Representation: Pros And Cons

Many people believe that a DIY divorce will be cheaper, more private and faster than a divorce with legal representation. In fact, it can turn out to be the most expensive mistake you ever made, especially if you sign anything you do not understand. As you consider how to proceed when you are convinced that your divorce should be simple, don’t ignore the following issues:

Children: If you and your spouse do not agree on who will care for the children and who will pay how much child support, your divorce is already at risk of being contested, expensive and drawn-out. However, with an attorney’s experienced guidance, you may be able to arrive at a reasonable parenting time arrangement agreement with the other parent that will allow you to proceed with an uncontested divorce. Even in an uncontested divorce, a customized parenting time schedule is possible.

If you and the other parent cannot agree despite your best efforts, your lawyer can help you protect your parental rights and your children’s well-being through a traditional represented divorce.

Property: Maybe your house, car and other major assets do not have both of your names on the deeds or loans. An attempt at a quick DIY divorce could put you at significant financial and legal risks. Beware of these common mistakes:

  • Don’t agree to continue paying on your spouse’s car loan if you don’t have to.
  • Don’t give up your right to a share of your spouse’s 401(k) or other retirement assets without understanding what the law says about it.

A knowledgeable family law attorney at Bandoske & Butler, PLLC, can help you identify and resolve any problem areas while providing you with peace of mind.

Debts: What about your joint credit card balances, mortgage, car loan(s) and/or student loan(s)? What about second mortgages, medical debt and other joint liabilities you may have? Legal advice is the safest way forward.

Ease of completion: You may believe that a DIY divorce is the fastest and simplest way forward. But Texas requires a 60-day waiting period. In a truly uncontested divorce, our lawyers may be able to help you get your divorce done in 61 days.

The time involved: Our experience enables us to help you complete all necessary paperwork expeditiously, but if you try to do it yourself, it may turn out to be more complicated than you expected.

Request An Initial Consultation With A Divorce Lawyer For Peace Of Mind

Trust us when we say that it is easy to make a mistake when proceeding with a DIY divorce. You may fail to protect your interests without realizing it until it is too late.

Learn about your rights and decide on the best way forward with our help. Call 210-953-8415 or email us to schedule a meeting with an attorney.