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Is there an alternative to co-parenting after divorce?

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2021 | Child Custody

For some divorcing couples, reaching an agreement on key issues is tricky. If the conflict is exceptionally high, crafting a co-parenting plan may prove a roadblock to resolving your final divorce plan. When tensions run high, a parallel parenting plan may become a plausible alternative.

Is this type of alternative parenting plan feasible? Find out more about the differences between co-parenting and parallel parenting and whether applying them to your situation may assist in making things smoother for your children after the divorce becomes final.

What is co-parenting?

Co-parenting is the typical route divorcing couples take when it comes to creating a parenting plan. This type of relationship requires you as parents to continue a high level of communication to make decisions for your children and work out deviations from the schedule. While parents do not always agree, co-parenting often involves less third-party intervention to solve issues.

What is parallel parenting?

In a high-conflict divorce, seeing eye to eye often feels impossible. To believe that this division will disappear when the divorce is final seems unrealistic. Thus, creating a plausible parenting plan that requires a symbiotic relationship may not work. A parallel parenting plan sets out the guideline for two separate households that do not cross paths. This means you and your ex do not attend the same events or see each other. Communication occurs in writing or through a neutral third party chosen by both parents. In a parallel plan, one parent receives the designation of a primary conservator, and physical custody may not divide equally.

If an arms-length parenting relationship works better for your children, you may want to consider going the parallel route. It may prove more beneficial for parents who cannot communicate effectively or agree in the timeframe following divorce.