Just because you’ve been married for decades, you may think that your marriage is solid. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. People sometimes divorce later in life, which is known as a gray divorce. If you’re going through this situation, you should ensure...
How does the SCRA impact military divorce proceedings?
Military service can add complexity to legal matters, especially divorce. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides specific protections to active-duty service members during legal proceedings, ensuring fair treatment while they fulfill their military...
In a high conflict of divorce, can your spouse ignore the petition?
You are involved in a high-conflict divorce specifically because your spouse does not believe in divorce. They do not think you should end the marriage and have adamantly told you they do not want to—even though both of you are unhappy with the relationship. However,...
What are realistic financial goals to set post-divorce?
Divorce can bring significant financial changes. Creating a financial plan after divorce helps rebuild stability and sets the foundation for future success. A clear focus on short-term and long-term financial goals is essential for moving forward. Establish short-term...
Do you need to show that your spouse caused the divorce?
In Texas, you can file for divorce and claim that the end of the marriage is your spouse’s fault. There are a handful of potential reasons that the court will accept, such as cruelty, adultery, a felony conviction, abandonment or one spouse being confined to a mental...
What does “20/20/20” mean in a military divorce?
Divorce is a complex process that becomes even more challenging when one party is in the military. These cases have special rules for certain aspects that don’t apply to other divorces. One of these is the 20/20/20 rule, which governs what rights the non-military...
Is a lawyer necessary for an uncontested divorce in Texas?
Even when parties agree and no children are involved, divorce can be complicated. A lawyer can help you navigate the many considerations and potential pitfalls during the proceedings. They can ensure a smoother and more equitable resolution. Understanding divorce law...
Can you get a confidentiality agreement for your divorce?
Many divorcing spouses agree that they want to keep the details of their divorce as private as possible – particularly if they have children or are well-known in their community or their profession. It generally does no one any good if they’re taking their case to the...
Emotions are normal during divorce, but do not let them take over
Divorce is one of the hardest life events a person can experience. It is a process that often brings a whirlwind of emotions. Understanding and managing these emotions is important for moving forward positively. Letting them define your future could cause you to make...
Spending time apart can make divorce more likely
Do you feel that you and your spouse are drifting apart? The connection that you felt earlier in your relationship is simply gone. You may not have experienced any major conflicts, but it definitely feels like the relationship is changing – and perhaps ending. The...