Ending a marriage becomes more complicated when you have children. If you become one of the 2.1 out of 1,000 marriages that end in divorce in Texas, according to the CDC, your focus needs to stay on your children. While divorce comes with tension, you have solid...
Month: October 2022
Are you eligible for your ex’s Social Security, post-divorce?
When your Texas marriage ends, you may find that your financial future looks quite a bit different than it did during your marriage. If you sacrificed your own professional career for that of your partner, you may feel especially fearful about having enough to get by...
Ways a high-conflict divorce affects kids
Divorce is a major life event that is stressful for all parties, including any children involved in the situation. A high-conflict divorce, or one in which the spouses greatly contest factors such as assets and child custody, is especially taxing on the minor-aged...
What are the steps to the contested divorce process in Texas?
If you and your spouse are facing a less-than-amicable parting of ways, you may wonder what to expect in terms of a contested divorce. You should prepare for a process involving several steps before you can put the divorce behind you. Filing the petition First, you...