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What will it take to modify your child support order?

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2024 | Child Support

If you are a divorced non-custodial parent in Texas and paying child support, you may be wondering if it is possible to effect any changes to the original orders. Child support orders in Texas help ensure the financial needs of the child are met.

When a Texas divorce court issues child support orders, it does not mean that these are unchangeable. Under certain circumstances, you may be able to modify the existing child support order. These include:

  • A significant change in income or employment.
  • Changes in the child’s medical or educational needs.
  • The non-custodial parent gaining custody of the child.
  • One or more children turning 18 or graduating high school.
  • The other parent remarries or their financial situation improves.

These changes must be substantial to justify a modification.

What is the process for child support order modification?

If you are considering a child support modification, here’s what to expect throughout the process:

  • Submit a request to begin the review. Both parties will be contacted within 30 days.
  • Information such as income, health insurance and addresses will be verified. Additional documents may be required from employers or other sources.
  • A child support specialist will review the prior orders and assess any changes in income, health insurance or custody.
  • If the review is approved, a negotiation appointment or court date will be scheduled and both parties will be notified. If not approved, both parties will be informed by mail, and you may file a Motion to Modify with the court.
  • A negotiation appointment will be arranged to draft the new court order. Both parties are encouraged to attend.
  • If no agreement is reached at the negotiation, a court date may be scheduled for the judge to decide if the order should be modified.
  • The modification is finalized once the judge signs the new order. This process may take time depending on your case.

Getting knowledgeable legal guidance can help clarify your options and better ensure the modification process goes as smoothly as possible for you.